Good experience

През учебната 2019/2020 година в АЕГ „Гео Милев“ -Бургас бе изпратен като помощник-учител по програма „Фулбрайт“ г-жа Прюдънс Саласки, с която скоро всички свикнаха да се обръщат като Прю.

Възникналата извънредна ситуация не попречи на професионалист с дългогодишен опит да продължи от родния си дом активна работа не само като учител, но и като ръководител на клубовете по дебати и училищния вестник.

За огромна наша радост имахме невероятната възможност да продължим работата си с нея. 

Вярваме, че контактите ни с г-жа Саласки няма да преустановят и тя ще продължи да ни помага с експертното си мнение и опит за клубовете, които под нейно ръководство бяха изключително успешни.

Благодарим ти, Прю!
Очакваме те отново!

С удоволствие споделяме благодарственото писмо на Прю Саласки:


„Dear Zhakleen,

 I want to thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to teach remotely at AEG Geo Milev, Burgas during the fall semester 2020/2021. I know this required a lot of accommodation from you and your teaching and technical staff and I really appreciate all the efforts made to allow me to continue to meet with my classes effectively. Though most of the students were new to me, it still gave me the sense of having “completed what I started” after the Fulbright program was suspended so abruptly in March 2020. I hope my instruction was of equal benefit to the students.

Looking back on this extraordinary time, I want to commend you and your English teachers for what I found to be quite extraordinary accomplishments in language instruction and your flexibility in adapting to online methods. First of all, I have to remark on the outstanding level of English displayed by every English teacher with whom I had contact. Each not only spoke flawless English but their knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and every nuance of the language amazed me at every turn. While in Burgas, I constantly told Geo Milev students how fortunate they were to have such accomplished second-language teachers, something they took for granted because it was all they knew! Likewise, since my return to the U.S. I never miss an opportunity to tell people about the impressive language skills of both staff and students.

I was further impressed by the rapid transition the school made to online learning in March 2020, when three days after it was announced, Geo Milev’s e-school was up and running and teachers were trained in it and the use of Microsoft Teams. This contrasted with how the transition to online learning transpired in my home state of Virginia, where it took a month for Fairfax County, one of the wealthiest school districts in the U.S., to establish a system. Once set up, it closed down several times before becoming viable. Students in my local school district in Norfolk, Va., were not required to learn any new material for the remainder of the 2019/2020 school year despite electronic devices being distributed to all students who needed them. So, while classrooms in the U.S. typically have excellent access to technology and the Internet, this did not translate smoothly to a remote learning situation.

 Above all, it was a real treat to work with such wonderful co-teachers: My sincere thanks for their help and support go to Krasi Miteva, Rossi Naidenova, Ivo Ivanov, Tanya Shurelova,  Elena Dulkarova and Zhenya Georgieva. I’m also most grateful for Bozhidar Bozhkov’s technical expertise and cheerful willingness to help with everything from Microsoft Teams to the online English student newspaper. Additionally, my mentor Mariana Terzieva and her family took wonderful care of me and helped me at every turn. I would like to thank Valentina Atanasova for our work with BEST. There were many others who made my time at Geo Milev both memorable and enjoyable – I thank them all from the bottom of my heart.

Again, I am most grateful for the opportunity given to me by Fulbright, the America for Bulgaria Foundation, and AEG Geo Milev, Burgas, for a most rewarding teaching experience. I hope, in turn, that I was able to provide students with a greater understanding of the U.S., its history and culture. I will always feel a strong connection and admiration for the school, the administration, the faculty and the students of Geo Milev.

Thank you! Please stay well and keep in touch. Sincerely, Prue.

Prue Salasky

Fulbright ETA 2019/2020

AEG Geo Milev, Burgas“